Nanette Loehr-Smith
Class of 1981
SMITH, Nanette L., of Richmond, joined her heavenly Father Monday, December 5, 2011. Nanette was born on July 6, 1963. She now dances with Jesus. She courageously battled cancer for six years and is now assisting with heaven's work. Until they are joined again, Nanette leaves her husband, Lee Smith; daughter, Olivia; and son, Jake. Also remaining are her father, Frank Loehr; stepmother, Hazel; and father-in-law, Williard Smith; aunts, Alice Ligon and Mary Queen; brothers, Francis (Karen), Dennis (Paula), Glenn (Kathy), Roy (Linda); and sister, Thelma Ruhlen (Terry); nieces and nephews, Nik, Heather, Jeff, Jessica, Mark, Brett, Ross, Ryan, James, Peter, Aaron, Tim, Dawn, Shelley and Christy. She received a Bachelor of Science degree in Social Work from Virginia Commonwealth University. Nanette formerly worked for the Social Services Department in Goochland County and the Social Services Department in Henrico County. She then stayed home to raise her children and cared for neighborhood kids prior to working for Crestwood Elementary School where Jake and Olivia attended. She later worked for two home health care agencies part-time, American Home Care and Family Care. She then worked full-time for Heartland Hospice. Nanette's family and friends remember her for her organizational skills, her compassion, her commitment and her love of her Risen Savior. She was actively involved in the operation of the Brighton Green Swim Team and was an active member in the Brighton Green community. Nanette was a dynamic member of West End Assembly of God Church in Henrico County, where she taught Sunday School and served as a leader of the church's Kid's Choir. Nanette was active in several areas of Family Life Ministries, as well as the women's Joybreak class and MOYC-Mothers of Young Children. She also was a teacher and leader in vacation Bible school. A celebration of her life will be held at 11 a.m. on Friday, December 9, 2011 at West End Assembly of God, 401 N. Parham
Rd., Richmond, Va. 23229. In lieu of flowers, donations will be gladly accepted by the family to help offset the costs of medical expenses. Checks can be made out to Lee Smith, 9008 Anbern Dr., Richmond, Va. 23235. Donations will also be accepted at the reception.